Privacy Policy | Tripoly
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Privacy Policy

Tripoly understands your concern for privacy and makes sure of protecting the personal information of the customers; including their names, addresses and contact details they share with us. For visiting website, you don’t need to reveal your personal information. The individual user exploring our website remains complete anonymous.

Tripoly understands your concern for privacy and makes sure of protecting the personal information of the customers; including their names, addresses and contact details they share with us.

For visiting website, you don’t need to reveal your personal information. The individual user exploring our website remains complete anonymous.


It is true that few of our web pages use "cookies" to serve the customers better and to provide them the personalized information they need from our site. Cookies only identify the websites to smooth the progress of your next visit to our site. Information that we collect through them is used only to analyze and improve our services for you. No individual information related to your identity is collected or used in this process.

What Personal Details Tripoly Collects & How These are Used

If you make any booking/purchasing or sign-up for newsletters of our website, e-commerce transactions, Tripoly collects the following personal information from you while transacting:

  • Name
  • Contact Number
  • Address
  • Credit Card details
  • Age
  • Email I'd

Tripoly does not share or deal for any of the above sensitive information without the permission of its users or customers. The above mentioned information is collected from the users/customers/travelers for following usage:

Personal information provided by you must not be false or misleading. We assume that the information you provide us is accurate and will be updated when the relevant personal information changes. You may choose not to provide certain information to us. Please be aware that, in doing so, your ability to use some parts of our services may be hindered. If you choose to deactivate your account, some of the information associated with your account may be retained for internal purposes, including to backup data, to assist in investigations, and to comply with applicable law.

We reserve the right to deny you access for any reason permitted under applicable law. If we deny access or amendment, we will provide you with written reasons for such denial unless it is unreasonable to do so and, where required by local data protection laws, will note your request and the denial of the same in our records.

We will respond to any privacy-related requests within a reasonable time. Please note that we may need to verify your identity when you request to access your personal information.If you would like to make a privacy-related request, please Contact Us.

To Book a Service

Names, addresses, phone numbers and age details are shared with related service providers, including airlines, hotels, or bus services to provide reservation and booking to the customers or travelers.

To Send Promotional Offers

Tripoly uses details like mobile numbers and e-mail I’d for sending information about any promotional offers. We often sponsor promotions and lucky draws to give members an opportunity to win discounts on travel or other prizes. This is also optional and the user can unsubscribe for such emails. In such cases, customers remain unaware about ongoing promotional discounts.

Member Registration

If you opt to be a registered member of our website, information like name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, a unique login name and password are asked. This information is collected on the registration form for various purposes like

  • User recognition
  • To complete the travel reservations
  • To let us connecting with you for customer service purposes, if necessary
  • To contact you in order to meet your specific needs; and
  • To improve our products and services
  • To confirm your new member registration and each booking you do.


Tripoly identifies the importance of its customers’ opinion. It often conducts surveys and uses personal identification information to invite its regular customers for taking part into the surveys. Customers can take part in these surveys at completely on their own choice. Typically, the we conduct surveys to know about their experiences with Tripoly and to make our website, more user-friendly for its members. Survey contestants remain anonymous.

Safeguard Sensitive Information

Sensitive information like Credit/Debit Card and Net Banking Details are mainly collected by the payment gateways and banks and not by Tripoly However, if still this information is stored on our site, it remains completely unshared and safe, excluding that if it has been shared with any third party by fault through you while browsing our website. Sometimes, such information is shared with certain third parties to process the Cashback offers & discounts, if applicable.

Automatic Logging of Session Data

We record session data of the users, which includes IP address, OS, browser software and the activities of the user on his device. We collect session data to evaluate user behavior. It helps us in identifying the problems with our servers and lets us improve our systems. This information does not identify any visitor personally and only examine the user’s rough geographic location.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to update this Privacy Policy at any time. If we believe that any changes to this Privacy Policy are material, we will update the Privacy Policy on the Website and notify you by sending you an email about the changes and/or placing a notice on the Website informing you that changes have been made to the Privacy Policy.

Tripoly takes maximum initiatives possible to protect the information you share with us. We have taken advanced technology and security measures along with strict policy guidelines to secure the privacy of our customers and save their information from any unwanted access. We are constantly enhancing our security measures using more advanced technology.

Our privacy policy may change due to any unforeseen circumstances and enhancement of technologies. To get access to our new privacy policy, keep checking the websites regularly and identify our latest policies.Thank you for using Tripoly! We assure you a safe transaction.

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